Content Warnings
(with Spoilers)
The Brightest Star in Paris
The Brightest Star in Paris is a book about love and healing, but it is also a book about trauma. Below you will find an evolving, likely not exhaustive list of content warnings for it. Please be aware that they include spoilers.
The Brightest Star in Paris is set in 1878, seven years after the events of the Siege of Paris and the Paris Commune. Both events are discussed, and there is a flashback scene set during the Siege. Every French character in the book experienced these events.
Experienced by main characters:
Amelie’s mother was a famous Parisian mistress who died of syphilis. While she dies before the beginning of the story, there is a flash-back scene midway through the book depicting her suffering from the symptoms of late-stage syphilis, including rashes and dementia. Amelie and her mother were very close, and her grief and anger about her mother’s death are a major part of the book.
War (as mentioned above; additionally Benedict served as a Union doctor during the American Civil War)
Lifechanging injury
Some gore
Prior deaths of loved ones
Benedict is a doctor, and assists with a carriage accident and later amputation surgery.
Illness (Benedict almost died of malaria during the American Civil War)
Sexual pressure/blackmail by villain